When Your Marriage (and Cat) Turn 17-Years-Old

The specifics of my fight with Logan are unclear. I remember that it revolved around him working too many hours on my birthday. At the time, we’d been married for about 5 months. Logan was in a Ph.D. program, and I was working in the investment management industry.

The day after our fight, I went to work and called a friend at lunch to talk. During our conversation, the idea of adopting a cat came up. Starting my new year with a fuzzy friend seemed like a great idea.

I should point out that I didn’t talk to Logan about this bright idea because I was still upset after our argument. This wasn’t smart, but the kitten adoption mission was set in motion.

Before we got off the phone, my girlfriend said she would research local adopt-a-cat organizations. Later in the day, she contacted me and said that she found a family who was fostering kittens near my office. I was beyond excited!

After I finished my work day, we went to play with the kittens. Christie, a small Tortoiseshell kitten, was the only baby in the litter who engaged with us. She was about 5 months old, a little skittish, beautiful, and sweet. I fell in love with Christie, and she came home with me that evening.

When I got home, I brought Christie inside. She was in a cat carrier that I put in the hallway. Then I walked outside to make a quick phone call.

When I came back into the apartment Logan asked, “Is there a cat in the carrier?”

“Of course!” I said.

Christie was scared, so she burrowed under the blankets in the back of the carrier. Logan couldn’t see Christie, so he assumed there was no way I’d bring a kitten home without his consent. He was wrong and a little upset with me.

We finally coaxed Christie out of the carrier and she sat with us on the couch and relaxed. Over the next few weeks, she settled into life with us. I’m thankful that Logan fell in love with Christie; especially since I brought her home without warning.

At 23-years-old, I lacked emotional intelligence, and I’d argue, common sense. We joke that Christie is the cat who almost caused a divorce. It’s a good thing she’s cute, and that Logan has patience with me.


As I write this letter, COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the U.S. I’m angry, sad, and disappointed that the pandemic has been politicized. A few things that keep me calm include kettlebell workouts, long talks with Logan, and snuggles with Christie.

Christie looks at me with a funny expression when I want to scream or cry because of the bad news I've consumed. She reminds me to breathe, take naps, and to relax. Christie is also happy we’re home all the time. She continues to boss us around with her cute meows and tail vibrations.

Christie will be 17-years-old in a few days, and Logan and I will celebrate a milestone — 17 years of marriage. It’s crazy to think we’ve been together for so long. And, I’m thankful we've been good quarantine buddies. There have been no fights. Just snuggles and gratitude.

With gratitude,
